Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Chicken Dance

Though it was not polished (and barely practiced) and I have only the shots taken by someone with my camera...(hopefully little other evidence remains)...we are quite convinced that our simple chicken dance was well accepted - we had so much fun including the New Hampshire GSE team, and pulling our friends on stage with us, throwing beads and laughing till it hurt. The night was billed as Fellowship - Fellowship - Fellowship....and we are sure we were successful in that regard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! Oh man, it looks like you guys had a ton of fun! I can't believe the extravagant stage, and the fancy costumes of the other dancers in the competition! I just told Bob that he HAS to come with me to the awards banquet to hear all about your trip--- and see the pictures. Keep on enjoying... and I don't feel bad for you that it's so hot!