Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's a small world

Yesterday I was riding with a friend on the streetcar, when a group of people got on. My friend noticed one of them wearing a jacket with the Rotary insignia on it. We asked one of the group if they were with Rotary. As it turns out, they are members of the Greater Clark County Rotary Club--the club sponsoring Trish for this trip and the same club that has a water project in Davao. We chatted a bit about GSE and this particular trip. All of them spoke highly of Trish, and their excitement about our opportunity. They also look forward to seeing pictures and hearing about our trip to their project in Davao. For me, this little experience only reinforced the great sense of connection that Rotary builds between people, even in small ways like a brief, friendly chat on public transit.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Greetings from Neahkahnie mountain

A few more pictures from Manzanita

Beach Trip more images from our beach walk

It was windy...oh wait, it is the Oregon coast, of course it was windy.

Trish looked glamorous.

Marie did not.

Hey - check out Stewarts home!

Whose feet are those??

What a beautiful sunset. Let's go drink wine.

Thank you Stewart!

Special thanks goes to our very generous host Stewart. We stayed at the lovely spindrift inn, got some work done and made an amazing dinner on a two burner kitchenette!

Beach Trip 10/18/08

ok, so we are still here at the coast, in Stewarts amazing home after a fabulous breakfast. We thought that if Trevor wanted a reason to break from his duties, he might check out the blog updates....Trish and Ryan took some great shots and we may need to post more than one entry to get them all on here.

These shots are us climbing Neahkanie Mountain, the group on the trail, us at the top, the veiw from the beach looking up and then some fun shots of us. Thanks to Stewart for guiding us up the trail, all of his amazing generosity, and supporting our group in so many ways!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Countdown till Manzanita...

just a reminder:

I will bring my computer (with powerpoint)and everyone will bring photos on memory sticks or disc that we can pull from (if you have them on a camera card, be sure you bring a compatible card reader), and rain gear. I am an avid fisherman and the rivers need more water, so I am hoping for rain. Sorry! LOL

See you in the morning!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Looking forward to next week...

Hi everyone,

I have been sort of slammed at work, as can happen to us all I am sure. Still, I am really looking forward to meeting at Trevor's next week, followed shortly by our trip to the coast. Remember to bring a copy of your passport, the insurance form once you get it, and any updates on projects.

See you all then, and in the meantime, I think we need a Blog Bio from Heath and Trevor and John! :-)

See you soon