Monday, February 16, 2009

Meeting Sonny and Lyndia Ventura in Manila

PDG Sonny and his lovely wife Lyndia were so kind to meet us in Manila - and with his help - our trip through customs took about a minute!! Even though it was late, they prepared food, had our rooms ready, and were so kind about getting us time to rest. We cannot wait to see them again on our return trip - and already consider them good friends!


abe said...

Well we already miss you Ryan, but congrats on winning that medal.

Vicki Yates said...

So glad that you are off to a great start. We are all living vicariously through you, so keep the posts comin'! Regards to DG Billy, Bading and Ichie.

JnetD said...

Been waiting patiently in cold Oregon to hear that you made it to the warm part of the planet. Hope you're having a great time.

Kris said...

It's not that cold here, but it's chilly enough. All best thoughts to you! Represent us well.

Susan Winterbourne said...

Glad to know you made it, welcomed at the airport and got a good night sleep. Enjoy those resting times and really have a great time eating, talking, sharing, laughing, and living.
